
Early stages of training.

Breeze is now 10 weeks old and we have been socialising her within our family environment getting her use to family life and finding her place within the pecking order. Breeze is very bright and extremely laid back, she is excellent with the children who are very hands on.

At this early stage of training it should be done within play drive with no pressure. Everything should be easy for her to achieve and made enjoyable. We are talking to her all the time in play training giving her plenty of encouragement.

The main steps at this moment in time are her retrieving and recall, her recall at present is fantastic, as soon as you call her name she comes back to you, or when you are play retrieving she also comes straight back to you, but we are never to quick to take the ball or sock off of her, as we don’t want her to get into the habit of dropping the retrieve.

 We are also starting to lead train her, we put a collar on and attach a lead then let her run around the house. We will occasionally tread on the lead so she gets use to sudden pressure. We also let the children walk/pull her around to get her use to walking on the lead.

So many owners teach a dog to walk with a lead but not on a lead!

watchinglovinglead trainingsocialisation
