
3 weeks old today.

Pup # Sex Birth Time Birth Weight Week One Week Two Week Three Week Four Week Five Week Six Week Seven
1 Bitch 04:45am 13oz 18oz 25oz 34oz         
2 Dog 04:55am 12oz 20oz 29oz 42oz        
3 Bitch 05:10am 13oz 18oz 25oz 38oz        
4 Dog 05:30am 10oz 21oz 29oz 39oz        
5 Dog 05:39am 12oz 21oz 30oz 44oz        
6 Dog 05:50am 12oz 16oz 24oz 33oz        
7 Bitch 06:50am 10oz 20oz 26oz 37oz        
8 Dog 08:55am 12oz 24oz 34oz 52oz        

In the last week the puppies have become alot more active, they are becoming more independent moving around, investigating and becoming vocal.They have started showing interest in mums food so they have been on weetabix and goats milk over the last four days and will move onto Masters Puppy Eclipse over the next week soaked in warm water an hour before feeding. The puppies were given their first course of wormer over 3 days starting last friday and finishing on Sunday. They were wormed with Panacur 10 % liquid. Amber was also wormed over the 3 days with Panacur.