
Toller puppies have arrived!

Toller puppies 17 hours old small Size Photo.

Toller puppies 17 hours old Large Full Size Photo!

Toller puppies 17 hours old.Toller puppies 17 hours old.  At 04.45am this morning (23/11/07) Amber’s first puppy was born. She had 8 in total 3 bitches and 5 dogs. She had a fantasic labour and has settled down into motherhood, feeling very proud of her new litter.

Pup/Sex                  Birth weight                     Birth time  

1 bitch                      13oz                                   04.45am

2 dog                        12oz                                   04.55am

3 bitch                     13oz                                   05.10am

4 dog                       10oz                                   05.30am

5 dog                       12oz                                   05.39am

6 dog                       12oz                                   05.50am

7 bitch                    10oz                                    06.50am

8 dog                      12oz                                    08.55am

Mother and puppies are very strong, healthy and feeding well.