Toller puppies have arrived!
Toller puppies 17 hours old Large Full Size Photo!
Toller puppies 17 hours old.Toller puppies 17 hours old. At 04.45am this morning (23/11/07) Amber’s first puppy was born. She had 8 in total 3 bitches and 5 dogs. She had a fantasic labour and has settled down into motherhood, feeling very proud of her new litter.
Pup/Sex Birth weight Birth time
1 bitch 13oz 04.45am
2 dog 12oz 04.55am
3 bitch 13oz 05.10am
4 dog 10oz 05.30am
5 dog 12oz 05.39am
6 dog 12oz 05.50am
7 bitch 10oz 06.50am
8 dog 12oz 08.55am
Mother and puppies are very strong, healthy and feeding well.